Ten Days of Writing

Let’s play a quick game…

It’s Friday, April 30th, 2021. You click the red ‘LEAVE MEETING’ button on Zoom to close the final 10 Days of Writing session. You signed up for these sessions two weeks ago and now your daily word count is high and your writing procrastination is low. It’s been a productive 10 days.

What do you do next?

a. Continue writing your book. Your fingers are buzzing and you’re on a roll. You’re not stopping anytime soon.

b. Treat yourself to shrimp tacos with a side guacamole.

c. Call your ex (who swore you’d never write a book) to gloat about how much progress you’ve made.

d. All of the above.

At that point, you can do some or none of the above. Or whatever you want. The point is, by the end of the 10 Days of Writing you’ll have dedicated yourself for 2 weeks to your book.

You will have made massive progress and built momentum.

Let’s do 10 days of writing.


The Ten Days of Writing Challenge is for you if:

*You’re ready to make serious headway with a book-writing project—or multiple projects.

*You value support, encouragement, accountability, and feedback.

*You want to write your book but struggle with feeling distracted. Left to your own devices, you have a million distractions all vying for your attention. And they always win.

Give yourself the push and accountability you need to get some solid writing done. You’ll write every day over a two-week period. This is the perfect push you need to build momentum for starting (or finishing) your book.

Here’s how it works:

We’ll meet up (virtually) to write together. We’ll meet every day for five days, have two days off (the weekend). We’ll resume again on Monday (26th) for the final five days.

During each session, if you choose, you can ask questions about your writing project or general writing questions. You can also ask for feedback. As time is limited during each session, you can also email me directly during the two weeks for support/feedback. 

The next session starts Monday, April 19th, 2021.

Sessions will be once per day from 7 am-9 am ET

Who is hosting Ten Days of Writing?

I’m Alicia-Joy. I’m a writer, book editor, and book coach. I help travelers and nomads tell their stories through writing books. Since, 2012, I’ve published 3 books of my own + ghostwritten 5 for clients. I’ve also provided editing, writing training, coaching, and ghostwriting services to clients for over seven years. I’m a current member of the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA).

What you get when you register

      • You’ll have access to daily virtual co-writing sessions M-F for two weeks. Sessions are hosted via Zoom. The Zoom calls will start at 7 am ET and end just a few minutes after 9 am ET. We’ll write (with everyone on mute) for 25 minutes, then break for a few minutes, rinse and repeat for about 2 hours total (It typically ends up being 3 sessions per call).
      • During each session, if you choose, you can ask questions about your writing project or general writing questions. You can also ask for feedback. As time is limited during each session, you can also email me directly during the two weeks for support/feedback. 
      • We’ll do 5 days together starting on April 19th, then break for the weekend, then back for the final 5 days on Monday (26th), 2021. 
      • You’ll also receive tips and support for writing quickly, building momentum, and staying consistent. During the challenge, I will do my utmost to help you stay motivated and accountable with writing consistently. 

When is it?

The next session starts Monday, April 19th. Sessions will be once per day 

7 am-9 am ET 

 “Hi Alicia, I know we are just three days into your writing challenge, but I wanted you to know that I’ve already completed 3 blog posts (that I had planned to publish since last month but kept procrastinating), 2 newsletters, which I’m super proud of myself because I haven’t sent an email to my list in 5 weeks. Plus I’m almost finished updating my Gratitude Journal. That’s another thing I had on my task list for way too long. And we’re not even halfway through this challenge. Thank you so much for hosting these. I don’t know if it’s a combination of your encouragement plus the daily sessions, I’m really not sure. I just find I focus so much more when I’m on the calls. I get a ton of work done. Thank you so much.” -Trynette Lariba Curvy Fit Chicks



This is your chance to gain momentum with that book project you’ve been putting off for far too long (I’ve been there).

This is how you break the cycle of procrastination. It’s time to make some serious headway with your book. 


Am I obligated to attend all of the Zoom calls? 

Nope. Your only obligation is to yourself. If you miss a few calls, that’s life. The more you show up and write, the more you’ll get out of this challenge. But, of course, life happens. So, it’s understandable if you miss a call.

What should I write during the 10 days? 

Whatever you choose. But I’ll be encouraging you to use the time to cross things off your book project to-do list. Think of all the book tasks that have been taking up space in your brain. This is the time to finally tackle them, or at least get a bunch of research and outlining out of the way.  The main point is that you show up and get the support and accountability to get a ton of writing done.

What happens once I register? 

After you register, you’ll receive a welcome email. Then, the day before the challenge begins (Sunday, April 18th), you’ll receive a reminder email with the Zoom information.

The next session starts Monday, April 19th. Sessions will be once per day 

7 am-9 am ET 



P.S. Writing can be a lonely endeavor, but I want you to know you’re not alone. Even if you choose not to join us in Ten Days of Writing, feel free to reach out, say hello, and share your writing ambition with me. Sometimes just putting it out there gives you the push you need. alicia [@] adventurousnerd.com